Book Spotlight: This Kid Can Fly: It’s About Ability, Not Disability by Aaron Philip with Tonya Bolden

Contributed by Donna Bray, Vice President, Co-Publisher of Balzer + Bray, HarperCollins Publishers“How many people with disabilities work here?” This was one of the first questions young author Aaron Philip asked our staff when he and his family arrived at the HarperCollins offices to meet us. We all looked around uncomfortably, because the answer is... Continue Reading →

Lives Undocumented: An Interview with Maria E. Andreu

Interview contributed by Lyn Miller-Lachmann Maria E. Andreu’s debut novel, The Secret Side of Empty (Running Press Kids, March 2014), offers an honest, authentic portrait of an undocumented high school senior who carefully hides her circumstances even from her closest friends, and cannot apply for college despite her near-perfect grades. Even before publication, the novel... Continue Reading →

Book Spotlight: Ask My Mood Ring How I Feel

Happiness, anger, love, jealousy, peace, and worry. Everyone has experienced these feelings, especially as a thirteen-year-old, and these are all the emotions Erica “Chia” Montenegro is feeling the summer before eighth grade.In Ask My Mood Ring How I Feel (coming out this June) Diana Lopez, author of Confetti Girl and Choke, introduces us to Chia,... Continue Reading →

Seeing, and Seeing Again

When the manuscript for Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John came across my desk, I was immediately pulled in by the story of a deaf girl managing a high school rock band. It was full of characters I wanted to know more about, from Piper whose parents have just blown her college fund on... Continue Reading →

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