CBC Diversity

The CBC Diversity initiative was founded in 2012, as part of the Children’s Book Council’s commitment to promoting diverse voices in literature for young people. We believe that all children deserve to see their world reflected in the books they read. We recognize that diversity takes on many forms, including differences in race, religion, gender, geography, sexual orientation, class, and ability.

In addition to championing diverse authors and illustrators, CBC Diversity strives to open up the publishing industry to a wider range of employees. We’ve taken an active role in recruiting diverse candidates, participating in school career fairs and partnering with We Need Diverse Books on its summer internship program.


  • The CBC Diversity Tumblr shines the light on news and events, new releases, and personal journey stories from members of the children’s literature community.
  • Our Goodreads Bookshelf features front and backlist titles by CBC-member publishers, promoting the representative reads that are already in print.

Continuing the Conversation

  • We frequently host Diversity Dialogues at which children’s publishing staffers can speak candidly and problem-solve collaboratively in a safe and supportive environment.
  • We also hold panel discussions, bringing together industry leaders to share the challenges they face in selling and promoting diverse books, and offer insight on potential solutions.

We cannot accomplish our goals alone. Sign up for our newsletter to learn how you can join the effort!

Committee Members

  • Faye Bi, Publicist, Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing
  • Julie Bliven, Associate Editor/Contracts Manager, Charlesbridge Publishing
  • Donna Bray, Co-Publisher of Balzer + Bray, HarperCollins Children’s Books
  • Preeti Chhibber, Senior Editorial Manager, Scholastic Reading Clubs
  • Nikki Garcia, Assistant Editor, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • Karen Walsh, Executive Director of Publicity, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers
  • Ashley Woodfolk, Marketing Manager, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group

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